• Have a programme of sequential careers lessons which are incorporated into the Personal Development and R2L programme to continue to enhance pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the World of Work, building upon the knowledge gained in Year 7

Term 5

Students will have a greater knowledge of community and career opportunities

8 L1 How can I  use my knowledge to increase my understanding of employment rights to identify examples of direct and indirect discrimination?



Manage career

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
8 L2 How  can I  use my knowledge to increase my  understanding of discrimination to explore gender bias in the workplace?



Manage career

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
8 L3 How can I use my knowledge to increase my  understanding of employment and self-employment to consider the pros and cons of both?



Manage career

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
8 L4 How can I use my knowledge of charities to explain the value of volunteering? 2 Growth throughout life Living in the wider world
8 L5 I can use my knowledge to develop my understanding of my own experiences to explore my barriers to achieving my goals?



Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Living in the wider world
8 L6 How can I use my knowledge to  confidently use Unifrog to learn more about future careers? (PD Day) 2

Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Balance life & work

Living in the wider world
8 L7 How can I use my knowledge to develop my understanding of different pathways to employment to explore my chosen career?




Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Manage career

Create opportunities

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world

Term 6

Students will understand and make confident choices with regards to digital literacy

8 Term 6 L1 How can I use my understanding of the cost living to explore wants and needs? 4

Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Manage career

Create opportunities

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
8 Term 6 L2 How can I use my knowledge to increase understanding of the law regarding age restrictions to make the right choices when using different types of media? 3

Create opportunities

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
8 Term 6 L3 How can I use my understanding of communication to ensure that I present myself in a positive way on social media? 3

Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Manage career

Create opportunities

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
8 Term 6 L4 How can I use my knowledge to understand how to stay safe on line? 3

Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Manage career

Create opportunities

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
8 Term 6 L5 How can I use my knowledge to explore why someone may become an extremist? 3

Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Manage career

Create opportunities

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
8 Term 6 L6 How can I use my knowledge to understand how I can keep my money safe? 3

Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Manage career

Create opportunities

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world



  • Continue to build upon self-awareness and personal skills and how they relate to the world of work
  • Gain a greater understanding of the world of work and basic employment rights and laws
  • Link their areas of academic interest to careers using experiences from Unifrog and visiting speakers/ educational visits /Aspiration Wall
  • Participate in Personal Development Days to gain a better understanding of themselves (personal characteristics, skills, qualities, abilities, interests, potential weaknesses, and ways to develop further). The programme includes:
  • Jobs of the future
  • Unifrog Careers Library
  • Entrepreneurship Challenge
  • University of Nottingham Workshop
  • Careers Fair
  • Have access to careers information and advice through their Form Tutor, Subject Teachers, Head of House, library and Director of Careers.

Letters to parents
Safeguarding & E-Safety