Cookies Policy

This site uses cookies –a snippet of text that is sent from a website’s servers and stored on a web browser.

Cookies used on this website are used to log IP addresses for security reasons such as mitigating brute force login threats and malicious activity. We may store information about which pages are most frequently visited and how often our website is viewed.

The collected information is stored on a secure remote server but no information is transmitted to third parties.

YouTube/Vimeo – If our website contains videos, some cookies may be used for tracking views etc. These cookies are implemented if you press play though.

Managing Cookies

For information on how to manage your cookie settings please follow the link for your browser:




For other browsers and mobile devices we recommend you use a search engine and enter something like “how to change cookie settings in [browser/device name here]”.


Letters to parents
Safeguarding & E-Safety