Joining Us From Primary

A welcome from Mr Kirk, Transition Lead

May I take this opportunity to say welcome to our SRPA community and to invite you on your first steps along your SRPA journey.
Transition between Year 6 and Year 7 can create many questions that you want to ask. The aim of this is to give you all the information you need to know before you start with us.
We pride ourselves here on success and positive relationships and it will not be long now before you have the chance to embark upon a long and successful time here with us.
I understand that you may be feeling nervous at the thought of starting at a new school, but don’t forget that everyone in your year group will be in the same position. See this as an opportunity to begin an exciting new journey with us.
The information contained here has been provided by our current students and members of staff; we hope that you will enjoy your time here and look forward to you joining us very soon.

Who’s who in the Year 7 Team

Mr Kirk – Transition Lead, Director of Achievement (Key Stage 3) 

The House System at SRPA

SRPA has a house system that incorporates commitment, responsibility, service and competition. When you start with us, you will be allocated in to one of our houses.
You will have the opportunity to take part in activities to represent your team and earn points for you and your house. These activities may take place during the school day or after school. They may include: football, netball, photography, cricket, rounders, basketball, science quiz, badminton, bench ball, MFL competitions, an art competition and many more.
There will also be a sports day in the summer that involves the whole school competing in different events e.g. 100 metres, shot putt and the high jump. At the end of the day, the results will be announced and points will go towards the Governor’s Cup that will be awarded during the full school assembly at the end of the year.

Year 6 Transition Frog Site

Transition Videos

Mr Kirks Letters:

Letters to parents
Safeguarding & E-Safety