Our Uniform
Why is uniform so important to us?
Our students each have their own background; with a common uniform we have the opportunity to ensure that each has equality at school. There is also the shared ownership and pride in the school that we aim to foster. Wearing the uniform correctly and smartly is also good preparation for working life; each student should take pride in their own appearance and be clean and smart everyday, both in school and when travelling to and from school.
Dale Hardy: Why school uniforms are the bedrock of an outstanding school
Our SRPA Uniform Policy can be found on our Policies Page here
Uniform Direct B2B Terms and Conditions of Business
The Colour of the Tie
The colour of the school tie denotes the year group. For pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9, the tie is blue. A red tie is worn in Years 10 and 11.

A blue tie for Key Stage 3 pupils.

A red tie for Key Stage 4 pupils.
Uniform Shop
Clothing Item | Cost |
Shirt | £1 |
Trouser | £3 |
Blazer | £10 |
Tie | £3 |
Skirt | £3 |
PE Shorts | £1 |
PE Shirt SS | £5 |
PE Shirt LS | £8 |
Coat | £10 |
Outdoor Tops (Optional)
Navy Quarter Zip Top with Embroidered Logo
Navy Hoodie with Embroidered Logo
Navy/Red Rugby Shirt with Embroidered Logo
Plain Navy Skort
Plain Navy running/sports leggings without stripes/logos
Plain Navy Base Layer Top