Our Values and Ethos, including British Values
As a modern, forward-thinking academy we have retained our traditional ethos and values after celebrating seventy years of Robert Pattinson School.
The Academy’s culture and ethos flows directly from its new Latin motto: Sapientia et Doctrina (Wisdom and Learning)
This motto reflects the fact that life, education and being a young person in the 21st Century are far from easy yet, with the right curriculum, quality of teaching, strong support and a good attitude, we can achieve anything we put our minds to and can all contribute well to society, whether it be becoming an exceptional scientist, musician, actor, historian, poet, athlete, statesman, artist, politician, CEO or friend.
At Sir Robert Pattinson Academy, we believe that, in order to fulfil our motto, we must exhibit our core values above all others. They are:
- Communities: Enabling each pupil to be successful so that they become responsible citizens and make a positive contribution to society regardless of their background or ability. The impact of our curriculum; we promote co-operation and understanding between all members of our community.
- Aspiration: The way in which all children and young people are unique, and our curriculum promotes respect for the views of each individual, as well as for people of all cultures.
- Respect: The importance of each person in our Academy community; pupils, parents, staff and governors as well as the wider community. Equal opportunities for all the pupils in our Academy and the rights enjoyed by each person in our society. Respect for each child/young person in our Academy for who they are and we treat them with fairness and honesty.
- Engagement: The spiritual and moral development of each pupil as well as their intellectual, academic, pastoral and physical growth.
- Environment: The support of environmental sustainability. To embed education for sustainable development into the curriculum, and support students to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future.
- Reflection: Our community is reflective of our work and considers how we can improve.
We want to:
- Embed subject specialist and leadership support systems across the academy including support for leaders at all levels
- Embed clear lines of accountability at all levels of leadership within the academy to ensure clarity of purpose and action
- Ensure policy and updated practice promotes outstanding outcomes for all pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds
- Ensure that policy and actions in relation to safeguarding, attendance and behaviour are models of outstanding practice
- Develop curriculum, assessment and reporting arrangements to support excellent pupil and academy outcomes
- Enhance an extra-curricular offer and out of class learning programme which secures outstanding engagement and supports pupils’ cultural capital
- Ensure that our recruitment and retention strategy is implemented through exceptional CPD opportunities and this ensures outstanding succession planning to future proof the academy
- Embed the remodelled leadership and support workforce to ensure the effective running of the academy
- Continue to develop external links with local schools, businesses, universities and the LTSA in order to enhance our curriculum provision
- Ensure the building infrastructure, maintenance works and statutory compliance are all fit for purpose
At Sir Robert Pattinson Academy, highly effective learning is characterised by:
- Observable pupil progress within individual lessons and over time (the acquisition and application of knowledge) that is appropriate to a child/young person’s cognitive domain at that moment with that particular activity
- Pupils’ application and concentration on tasks that demand intellectual and creative engagement
- Pupils’ ability to work independently and collaboratively
The Quality of Education at Sir Robert Pattinson Academy includes:
Outcomes for Pupils:
- Quality and rigour of assessment in all year groups and classes
- Staff share pupil targets and discuss the way forward using appropriate learning challenges
- Pupils get the opportunity to read across a wide range of texts through subject specific focus on classic fiction and non-fiction texts
- High quality discussions between pupils and staff that allow for development of a range of ideas and theories
- Rapid and sustained progress for all groups of pupils in all lessons
Curriculum implementation:
- Middle Leaders ensure that the long, medium and short term curriculum has been carefully and appropriately sequenced to ensure a broad and balanced provision that meets the needs of the pupils and the local and regional community
- Teachers consistently have high expectations of all pupils
- Teaching engages all pupils with appropriately challenging work
- Pupils’ written and verbal responses demonstrate acquisition and application of knowledge
- Teachers monitor progress and use questioning and discussion to assess effectively
- Consistently high-quality marking, feedback and pupil response leading to exponential gains and meta-cognitive improvements
- Teaching of reading, writing, communication and mathematics is highly effective
Personal development, behaviour and welfare:
- Punctuality to the academy and lessons is expected
- Behaviour in class and outside lessons is impeccable
- Pupils have pride in their Academy – manners and conduct are modelled and encouraged
- Attitudes to learning support high levels of progress in lessons
- Pupils display a thirst for knowledge and are engaged in their own and others’ learning
- Skilled and highly consistent behaviour management by all staff is supported by clear, effective systems
- All groups of pupils feel safe
- The workload and well-being of pupils and staff is carefully considered
Leadership and management:
- Safeguarding practice is outstanding
- High levels of attendance for all groups of pupils
- Robust self-evaluation and continual assessment of curriculum delivery including subject leadership and teaching
- Consistent application of procedures and policies
- High levels of achievement and behaviour
- High levels of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; ensuring an inclusive culture and ethos
- The pursuit of excellence is by all pupils, parents, staff and governors
To achieve these aims and fulfil our pupils’ entitlements we will provide:
- A happy, healthy, safe, secure and inclusive environment in which all can achieve
- An academy site providing the resources for an innovative and exciting learning environment for the 21st Century
- High quality curriculum that provides exceptional opportunities for knowledge acquisition and application through high quality teaching
- A wide range of extra- curricular, enhancement opportunities and a thorough out-of-classroom learning programme to develop cultural capital
- Opportunities for pupils to play a part in developing our academy and community through the house and student leadership systems
- A professional, skilled, highly motivated staff team committed to the ethos and aims of our academy
- Opportunities for parents to be active partners in the education of their children and the life of our academy through regular and inclusive parental engagement forums
- Professional development of leaders at every level
- Academy leadership focused on continuous improvement
- Effective leadership and management systems which support the drive to raise standards
- Links with external providers such as universities, local businesses, other academies and the LTSA
- A bespoke university programme that includes all pupils from year 6 onwards
- Exceptional transition arrangements at each key stage
British Values
Sir Robert Pattinson Academy sits at the heart of the community it is committed to serving. It recognises the multi-cultural, multi faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom. It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring that groups or individuals within the Academy are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.
The Academy accepts admissions from all those entitled to an education under British law, including pupils of all faiths or none. It follows the policies outlined by the Academy’s Full Governing Body regarding equal opportunities, which guarantee that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar. It seeks to serve all.
The Government emphasises that schools are required to ensure that key ‘British Values’ are taught in all UK schools. The government set out its definition of British values in the ‘Prevent Strategy’ – values of:
• democracy
• the rule of law
• individual liberty
• mutual respect
• tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
The academy uses strategies from within the National curriculum and beyond to secure such outcomes for pupils. Here are some examples of when British values are shared:
Curriculum themes and topics
Our curriculum prepares children for life in British Society; this includes developing the understanding and use of money, effective reading and writing skills, collaboration and discussion to research ideas and concepts. Curriculum themes include historical and geographical study in the context of the United Kingdom as well as national and international comparisons. Topic examples: World War II; the loss of liberty and treatment of minorities, Norman legal reforms, the development of the British Empire and the slave trade.
Daily acts of collective worship/ whole school assembly
Our assemblies uphold traditional values of empathy, respect and tolerance and these are reflected in the values, ethos and code of conduct of the Academy. Local religious leaders are invited to take assemblies at key celebrations throughout the year as does the local PCSO to share an understanding of the law and celebrate diversity. All of whom reinforce these traditional values.
Personal Development/PSHEE
Mutual respect is also taught within Ready to Learn (R2L) time, assemblies, Personal Development lessons and lessons in our Ethics, Faith & Philosophy (EFP) curriculum, as well as on an informal nature throughout the Academy days. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety policy and PSHEE work on keeping safe. Students at SRPA also take part in Democracy Week where students are encouraged to debate and share their views showing respect and tolerance of others.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs is promoted in EFP as children gain a greater understanding of religious diversity and practices for those religions represented in the UK. Planning for RE is in line with the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) – Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
The local Churches are visited as part of the RE curriculum. The opening of a new mosque in the city has allowed the department to broaden the understanding of different faiths amongst our pupils with study visits and workshops planned.
Topics of study include; when civil and religious laws clash eg: Sharia law and same sex marriage, equality and human rights and the rise of humanism. Furthermore, students learn to listen to one another’s views and share their own in a respectful way and are given roles and responsibilities in group work to foster mutual respect.
Promotion of the concept of “fair play”, following and developing rules, celebrating and rewarding success, accepting defeat and participating in activities that promote cooperation with others and inclusion for all form an integral part of the PE curriculum.
House roles and student leadership
The Academy promotes democratic processes through the election of student leaders in roles such as Head Boy and Girl and Student Council members. This fosters the concept of freedom of speech and group action to address need and concerns, while also community spirit and contributing to the wider society.
Involvement in key local and National events:
In recent years, we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II and the Weddings of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, William and Kate Middleton with special events, assemblies and themed lessons. The visit of the Olympic torch was embraced. Each year Armistice Day is remembered and children are encouraged to reflect on this.
This year, following a visit to the battlefields of World War One a memorial is being created to acknowledge the centenary of the end of the Great War. At the Academy we have a large contingent of services children and they will be leading this project.
The academy participates in and takes a lead role in the annual democracy day run by our regional council. We hosted the event this year, giving a wider number of pupils the opportunity to see democracy in action.
Sense of community
At Sir Robert Pattinson Academy we are proud of our long standing community service and adopted the North Hykeham Day Centre for the elderly over ten years ago. Every tutor group work together to create personalised hampers and Christmas cards for the day centre clients.
The Student Council then present these to the clients at the student led Christmas party. Links have been also been developed where students visit the centre to spend time with the residents.
Fundraising at the academy takes place for a variety of charities and good causes. The students choose to support the North Hykeham Day Centre, Macmillan, Sport Relief, Children in Need. Students also vote for their nominated charity for each house. We have a yearly fundraising challenge that raised over £10000 last year.
This helps our pupils to develop as good citizens, aware of what it means to be community minded.
For further information of how the Academy seeks to promote key British Values please contact the Academy.