Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
Mr A Adlington
Assistant Head Teacher and Executive SENCO
Contact us: send@srpa.co.uk or 01522 882020
Mrs C Hardy
Deputy SENCO
Contact us: send@srpa.co.uk or 01522 882020
Mr Adlington is the Assistant Head Teacher and Executive SENCO. He is responsible for the coordination of any additional support and provision that students may need throughout the Academy. Mr Adlington leads the Specialised Learning Centre (SLC) which is a designated area of the school that supports students with specific and targeted intervention programmes of study, including medical support. All students are expected in the classroom to learn with the class teacher but when additional support is needed, they are invited to join Mr Adlington and his team in the SLC for targeted intervention work.
Mrs Hardy is the Deputy SENCO and works with Mr Adlington to support the day-to-day running of the SLC, including the Medical Suite. Mrs Hardy works with students to ensure the provision they have in school is of a high standard and supports the range of intervention programmes delivered. Mrs Hardy leads on a specific intervention programme called the LIT programme, as well as supporting in the delivery of other intervention such as Lexia and Maths Symphony.
Alongside the Executive SENCO and Deputy SENCO there is a team of Keyworkers and Learning Support Assistants. These staff support the students with targeted intervention work in the SLC but also support students inside the classrooms with their learning. The entire team in the SLC work closely to ensure each student has access and opportunity for high quality, personalised support.