Subject Curriculum

“Plans set out clearly what pupils should learn and when, and ensure that pupils build on previous learning.” – Ofsted, November 2019.

The Curriculum at Sir Robert Pattinson Academy enables our students to dream, achieve and believe in their capabilities by providing an exceptional, inspiring educational experience, which allows students to fulfill their potential and become highly employable and successful members of society.

Curriculum Bulletin Term 1 24/25
Curriculum Bulletin Term 2 24/25
Curriculum Bulletin Term 3 24/25
English Curriculum

English at SRPA is focused on ensuring that all students acquire, practise and master the skills needed in reading, writing and speaking and listening to lead successful lives and make the most of life’s opportunities at college, university, in employment, and beyond.

But English is also about so much more than that.

It’s about finding yourself lost in a book, intrigued by its characters and storyline, mesmerised by its twists and turns. It’s about understanding and appreciating the talent of the best writers the world has known – Shakespeare, Dickens, Blake, Shelley and many, many more – and learning how to emulate their brilliance, whilst also being creative and developing your own writing style.  And it’s about having opinions and being able to voice them, debate them, evaluate them, and persuade others of their value, with courage and confidence. English is about having a passion and pursuing it, as all of the SRPA English dept staff have done, and we hope we can pass on our love of the literary world to all the students we encounter.

Mastering our own language is as vital to all of us as air. ‘Reading is like breathing in… Writing is like breathing out.’ (Pam Allyn)


In a world where we are bombarded by the media from morning until night, it is essential that we learn to identify how and why we consume it. From video games to YouTube influencers, Media Studies deals with media that is relevant and pertinent to us all.

Malcom X famously said: ‘The media’s the most powerful entity on Earth, because they control the minds of the masses.’ In Media we explore this control and the way adverts, magazines, newspapers and TV can exert it on our minds. We look at how media has changed and evolved and where ideas originate from; we analyse where media is now as it continues its rapid evolution and consider where it will take us next. Analysing media products uncovers varying interpretations and how we voice them, debate them and evaluate them, helping to broaden students’ understanding of these powerful texts and to respect the opinions of others.

Media at SRPA is focused on ensuring that all students acquire, practise and master the skills needed in analysing, interpreting and understanding media products and how we consume them. It helps them form a healthy relationship with different forms of media in the ever changing world and can help to shape their own understanding of the world around them and consider how to create media products of their own. We hope the inquisitive and interpretive spark inside students can be lit, kindled and encouraged to burn brightly, shaping understanding of the world around them and the future in front of them.

Learning Journey


Curriculum Overview


Mathematics Curriculum

Mathematics is a creative subject that links together interconnected disciplines in a way that helps to explain the world we live in. Confidence in Mathematics is essential to everyday life and determines success in a host of related subjects including Science, Technology, Engineering, Business and Economics. Good mathematical skills are required if students are to develop financial literacy, as well as being a requirement in a wide range of career pathways. At SRPA, we aim to develop our student’s ability to reason mathematically, whilst developing an appreciation and enjoyment of how Mathematics can be used to solve a huge range of problems that are relevant and engaging to young people today.

The curriculum intent can be broken into three strands which run through all our learning challenges.

Fluency – Students develop conceptual understanding of the fundamentals of mathematics through frequent practice of increasingly challenging skills. They can recall and apply knowledge accurately.

Reasoning mathematically – Students can reason and justify using mathematical language. They are able to generalise and can prove concepts based on the mathematical facts that they know.

Problem solving – Students can apply their understanding of mathematical concepts to both familiar and unfamiliar problems. They are resilient and can break a problem down into a series of simpler steps, reflecting on and articulating their own thinking.

Develop mathematical structure – Students recognise and appreciate the importance of mathematical structure and can identify the many connections between mathematical facts, procedures and concepts.

Mathematics Curriculum Implementation

Students follow a five-year scheme of learning which develops understanding of the mathematical concepts outlined in the national curriculum. No distinction is made between KS3 and KS4 learning, with the curriculum building on existing knowledge to develop understanding of new concepts. Learning is themed and students will work on increasingly difficult challenges through a cycle of topics. For example, solving equations is a concept that is explored several times per year, starting with the most basic in Year 7 and culminating in the most sophisticated techniques in Year 11. This requires students to develop metacognition, the ability to independently plan, monitor and evaluate their thinking and learning.

Students are set in Mathematics and progress is assessed in half-termly class assessments. In Year 11 students sit GCSE Mathematics (AQA exam board course code 8300). Entries are at either Foundation or Higher level. Students sit three examinations at the end of the course. Grades are entirely based on these final written examinations.

In Sixth-Form students may study A-Level Mathematics (AQA exam board course code 7357) over a two-year period. Students will sit three examinations at the end of the course. Grades are entirely based on these final written examinations. The Mathematics A-level curriculum builds on existing higher GCSE knowledge whilst introducing new concepts in pure mathematics, statistics and mechanics. This course develops students mathematical understanding to a level that supports further study at university in Mathematics and related courses.

Learning Journey


Curriculum Overview


Science Curriculum

The intent of the science curriculum at SRPA is to engage young learners with a wide variety of scientific concepts and activities to stimulate inquisitiveness and keep asking ‘why?’ in order to develop their knowledge of how science works. The science curriculum engages, enthuses and excites learners, providing them with the ability to apply their knowledge to answer questions scientifically.

The curriculum has been designed to provide a 5-year program of study, throughout which a number of key concepts are revisited regularly to continually deepen students’ knowledge of these concepts. There are ten ‘big ideas’ that span physics, chemistry and biology that provide a basis for the SRPA science curriculum. Each of these concepts is based on the AQA frameworks at both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4:

Physics Chemistry Biology
Forces Matter Organisms
Electromagnets Reactions Ecosystems
Energy Earth Genes

The sequencing of these topics has been carefully managed to ensure progression by ensuring knowledge acquisition is constantly built upon, starting with the fundamental ideas and gradually increasing in demand until the most challenging concepts are met. This interleaved system ensures regular opportunities to promote recall and retention skills and gives learners the opportunity to identify links between the different topic areas. The colour-coded curriculum overview below illustrates this model. Throughout each topic, learners develop their knowledge of the science skills as described in the ‘Working Scientifically’ framework.

In Y7, 8 and 9 all students are taught for 8 hours of science per fortnight. Groups are normally split between two science teachers, providing the opportunity for two topic areas to be delivered in parallel. Up until Christmas in Y9 these topics follow those outlined in the AQA Key Stage 3 framework. From January in Y9 the content of the AQA GCSE Combined Science specification is taught. During Y9, students are given the option as to which GCSE specification they will follow.

  • Most students at SRPA study the AQA Combined Science Trilogy course. Students are given 9 hours per fortnight in both Y10 and Y11.
  • Some students choose to study Separate Sciences as part of the Y9 options process and are given 14 hours per fortnight in both Y10 and Y11.
  • All students are given access to this option, though suitable students are selected for the course based on teacher recommendation, prior attainment and attitude.

In Y10 and Y11 students will have three teachers, each delivering a topic from physics/chemistry/biology concurrently.

At Key Stage 5, students are given the option to pursue the areas of science relevant to their own areas of interest and future progression. The science department at SRPA offers the following qualifications:

  • A-Level Biology (OCR ‘A’ specification)
  • A-Level Chemistry (OCR ‘A’ specification)
  • A-Level Physics (OCR ‘A’ specification)
  • BTEC Extended Certificate in Applied Science

In Y12 and Y13, students receive 10 hours of teaching per fortnight per qualification. Across all science courses, students have two teachers, allowing the delivery of two concepts in parallel per term.

All KS5 courses are structured to continue the learning journey that students have experienced from Y7 through to Y11, revisiting the key ‘bid ideas’ in significantly more depth and over a wider breadth in order to ensure continued enthusiasm and engagement within the subject.

Learning Journey


Curriculum Overview


Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Ludwig Wittgenstein.

The MFL Dept at SRPA hope to be able to inspire students to travel the world and experience the wonder and fascination of visiting new places, seeing new sights and meeting new people. We hope to be able to help them become confident and proficient communicators who can deal with whatever situation they find themselves in, in any part of the world. We want them to be curious about the world beyond their current experience.

As the UK economy currently loses £48,000,000,000 per annum due to a lack of language skills, we hope to make our students more employable, thereby contributing to improved economic prospects for the UK.

We aim to help students overcome any potential barriers of prejudice or ignorance about other nationalities, by helping them to become more familiar with other languages, peoples, nations, countries and customs.

We do not want students to be limited, by their knowledge, outlook or employability prospects.

Learning Journey


Curriculum Overview


Humanities (including Geography, History, EFP, Sociology, Psychology, Child Development, Health and Social Care, Travel and Tourism)
Through the study of Humanities students will explore the world we live in, the lessons we have learnt from our past, and the cultures that form the complexity of the human condition. We do this in order to nurture engaged and thoughtful global citizens; actively engaged in conversations about the society they will build.

“The calling of humanities is to make us truly human,  in the best sense of the word.” J. Irwin Miller 


Child Development

Child Development and Care develops understanding of a child’s (age 0 – 5) physical, intellectual, emotional and social development and wellbeing. It allows students to explore how child grow, and the factors that impact development, as well as the role of early year’s workers who will support children.

Students have 5 lessons a fortnight which focuses on a combination of learning, assignment work and examination preparation. In Year 10, students are introduced to child development and why it is important to understand how children grow. Our focus is on Unit 1 of the course: An Introduction to working with children aged 0 – 5. Work on this unit focuses on understanding the types of settings and provisions available to children, preparing for a placement in an early years setting, understanding individual needs of children (including a focus on inclusive practice) and developing own learning and study skills. In Year 11, focus is on Unit 2: Development and Wellbeing, which focuses on holistic development, observation and assessment methods used by early years workers, factors that affect development, the importance of routines and how children can be supported during changes. Both units of work are examined in the synoptic Unit 3 module: Child Care and Development 0 – 5.

 Ethics Faith and Philosophy

In EFP, we aim for students to gain a deep awareness of their own and others’ identities, to wrestle with the mysteries of life and the answers given by a wide variety of religions, belief and non-belief in order to develop a clear sense of what is of real value in world today.  

Ethics, Faith and Philosophy consists of two specialist teachers and 4 additional teachers at KS3. All KS3 students have an hour of EFP a week. Although this is set in each year group, it isn’t set according to ability in EFP and so there is a range of ability in each class.  Each KS3 year group are taught a mixture of philosophical debate, ethical enquiry and religious belief with a focus on British Values and multi-culturalism. KS4 option students have 5 lessons a fortnight and are studying the Eduqas GCSE specification. They are taught philosophy and ethics through themes and religious beliefs and practices in Christianity and Islam. The skills and foundation knowledge required for the GCSE have been embedded within the KS3 curriculum 


Geography underpins a lifelong “conversation” about the earth as the home of humankind. We want our students to have the knowledge and skills to take an active part in this conversation.

Subject intro key stage 3 – in Year 7 we introduce our students to what geography is, introducing them to what human, physical and environmental geography is. We start by building location and place knowledge with our students going down from a global to a local scale. We then develop the students map skills teaching them how read and use Ordnance Survey maps with confidence. Across Year 7 students then study: Rivers, energy and resources, flooding, and Tropical Rainforest. In Year 8 we look at settlements through the focus of Brazil, the causes and impacts of tectonic hazards, cold polar environments, weather hazards though the view of Australia, and look at the geography of crime before looking at how glacial processes have shaped our landscape. In Year 9 we look at globalisation and the impact it has had on Bhutan, hot deserts, global population distribution, migration and the reasons for it, focusing on USA and Mexico,  coastal processes and we finish by looking at Geography in practice looks at fieldwork and investigative skills before looking at geography in the news.

At GCSE we start the course with unit 1 looking at hazards, investigating the global distribution, causes, effects and management of tectonic, weather hazards and climate change, ecosystems, tropical rainforests and cold environments, physical landscapes of the UK, starting with coasts and then rivers. in Year 11 we do unit 2, human geography where we start with urban issues and challenges looking at the growth and development of cities around the world and how they can be managed more sustainably, with an in depth look at Lagos and Sheffield. The changing economic world looks at development, how we can reduce the development gap and a comparison of the UK and Nigeria as countries at different levels of economic development. We then look at global resources of food, water and energy, before focusing on Food in detail as a resource.

At key stage 5 we look at changing places and contemporary urban environments. Hazards and coastal systems and landscapes. We then complete the independent investigation. Before doing water and carbon cycles and global systems and governance.

Health and Social Care

Health and social care prepares students for rewarding careers by teaching them the value of various professions. Healthcare is one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK and by preparing students for working in careers with high job satisfaction we are helping give our students the best possible start in life.

Health and social care helps inspire students in to careers in the health and social care industry. Health and social Care is only taught at A level. Students have 9 lessons a fortnight and take part in some practical tasks as well as some traditional text based learning. Health and social care provides students with the opportunity to study a subject that links directly to a large number of careers.

The wide variety of units that are covered over year 12 and 13 enables students to gain a plethora of knowledge around health and social care. Students are encouraged to take part in work experience where they can further develop and apply the skills they learn in the classroom. Our health and social care course offers a holistic approach to learning that not only helps students prepare for further education but readies them for working in the wider world.


The History curriculum enables students to connect the past with the present day, navigating their way through the evolution of British and world culture, society and politics through the events that have shaped them. Through their study of history, students will develop academic and transferable skills including research, analysis, evaluation, all whilst fostering a love of history. They are also encouraged to develop their critical thinking to form moral judgements about the past, exploring how history can often foreshadow the present, enabling the past to come alive.

At KS3 students study a largely chronological progression of history from Celtic Britain to the end of Apartheid, roughly 500BCE – 1990 CE. Students have 1 lesson a week and are ordinarily taught by one teacher (timetable permitting). Students use workbooks for all work; these are printed departmentally so there is no photocopying at KS3.

At GCSE students study the Edexcel GCSE History course, including Medicine, Elizabethan England, Cold War and Germany 1918-39. Students have 5 lessons a fortnight and are taught by one subject teacher (timetable permitting). We have 4 classes in each year group at GCSE. Students work in exercise books and we have class sets of Edexcel textbooks to support their learning.

At A Level students sit the AQA A Level History course, including Germany 1871-1991, Britain 1951-2007, and NEA on the causes of the French Revolution. Students have 9 lessons a fortnight and teaching is split between 2 main teachers, each focusing on one element of the course.


Psychology is the study of mind and behaviour, and aims to explore the causes of human behaviour and cognition. These causes can then be used to explain criminal behaviour, mental ill health and relationships. Students will gain an insight into the human condition and develop their critical thinking, analysis and evaluation skills.

In Key Stage 4, students have 5 lessons across a fortnight while Key Stage 5 have 9 lessons a fortnight to complete the following units of work. In Year 10, students focus on an introduction to Psychology. Students will then focus on cognition and development; memory perception, development and research methods. In Year 11, students will learn about social context and behaviour; social influence (conformity, obedience), language, thought and communication brain and neuropsychology and psychological problems.

In Year 12, students will explore the history of psychology from the 1700s to the present day, and the impact of this on the perception of the field. They will then look at; memory (what is memory, eyewitness testimony), attachment, social influence and psychopathology (abnormality and mental ill health). Students will also look at the different approaches within psychology and research methods. In Year 13, students will explore the issues and debates within psychology that can impact the reliability of research and its perception within society. They will then learn about 3 option topics.


Sociology teaches students about wider society and the importance of acceptance, tolerance and the rule of law. Students who study sociology are greeted with the opportunity to think about the wider world, changing society and the importance of politics, people and progress. Students of sociology learn how to research using people and develop an understanding of how people act and think in the modern world. Students develop both practical skills and critical thinking skills that help to prepare them to be pro-active members of society after leaving education.

Sociology requires students to think critically about the world around them. Over the course of four years, at both GCSE and A Level, students will study families and households, education, sociological theory, research methods, crime and deviance and beliefs in society.  Students will leave at the end of year 13 with a though rich knowledge of the world around them and be well prepared for careers in human resources, research, teaching and various other paths.

Travel and Tourism

The travel and tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the UK. In our course we investigate the positive and negative impacts of this rapid growth on people and the environment.

Units 1 & 2 are externally assessed via formal examinations.  Prior to this, students will undertake weekly knowledge recall tests and mock examinations. Units 3&9 are internally assessed and then sampled externally by BTEC.  Students are provided with their assessment deadlines upon receipt of the assignment.  Staff are not permitted to engage in feedback to help students improve work.  Student work will be internally verified prior to submission to the external sample. Any resubmissions are made in line with the BTEC guidelines.

Please click on the links below for more information:

Humanities Learning Journey 2021-22

Humanities Curriculum Map 2021-22 FULL

Business and Computing Curriculum

The ambition of the Business and Computing department is to offer a range of qualifications which suit the developing skill sets of our diverse cohort. We aim to maximise the opportunity for students to excel and thrive in their chosen subject, whilst broadening their horizon as they progress through their learning journey.

The intent of our business curriculum is to engage, encourage and inspire the next generation of aspiring, ambitious and audacious entrepreneurs and leaders who will succeed and add value to our community. At SRPA we offer a broad spectrum of business courses at KS4 and 5.

KS4 courses:

  • AQA GCSE Business
  • OCR Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 Enterprise and Marketing

KS5 courses:

  • AQA Advanced Level Business
  • OCR Cambridge Technicals Business
  • LIBF L3 Finance

The intent of our computing curriculum is to deliver a curriculum that offers a range of topics that are engaging, creative and inspiring. Our curriculum aim is to develop the knowledge and understanding of computing in a confident and safe approach that will help students prosper in an ever-increasing digital world. Through practical and real world application, students will develop the skills to become effective users of technology and gain transferrable core skills required for active participation in a digital world. The core principles of our 5 year computing curriculum consist of Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology.

KS4 courses:

  • OCR GCSE Computer Science
  • OCR Creative i Media

KS5 courses:

  • OCR Cambridge Technicals IT

Per fortnight, all KS3 students will receive two hours of computing, KS4 will receive five hours and KS5 students will receive nine hours of taught lessons.

Both the business and computing curriculum have been carefully planned to ensure we deliver a sequencing of lessons that develops core knowledge and understanding within each key stage and ensures students are well prepared for the next part in their learning journey.


Learning Journey


Curriculum Overview



Learning Journey


Curriculum Overview


Performing Arts Curriculum

Performing Arts

‘The true purpose of arts education is not necessarily to create more dancers or artists. It is to create more complete human beings who are critical thinkers, who have curious minds, who can lead productive lives.’

Performing Arts allows students to explore the world through exciting, enriching and creative schemes of learning. Here at SRPA within Performing Arts we focus on Drama and Music with an element of Dance at KS3.


“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

The Music department at SRPA are passionate about improving the education of all students. Not every student will go on to work in the Music Industry but Music can help every student to realise their dreams and potential, regardless of their chosen field.

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. At SRPA, our high-quality music education engages and inspires students to develop a love of music and skills as musicians, and so increases their self-confidence, discipline, creativity and social skills. As students’ progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, perform and analyse Music from all around the world. Listening to, creating or performing music can sometimes be a moving and even spiritual experience. We encourage students to reflect on the important effect that music has on people’s moods, senses and quality of life. Students at SRPA have the opportunity to encounter music from many cultures and, through their growing knowledge and understanding of the music, they develop more positive attitudes towards other cultures and societies.

Students are offered the opportunity to study a musical instrument with peripatetic teachers. The range of instruments available to learn, covers all of the instrument families. This is in addition to the normal music teaching of the school.

Lastly, we provide a large range of extra-curricular engagement, from Choir and Orchestra, to the Show Band and Music Theory Club. We have opportunities for all to take part in, with performances regularly throughout the year, as well as the annual school show.


‘Theatre is a form of knowledge; it should and can also be a means of transforming society. Theatre can help us build our future, rather than just wait for it’

At Sir Robert Pattinson Academy, we encourage creativity and reflection, both of which are key tools in Drama. Students learn to take risks and solve problems, as well as challenge their own perceptions through various activities. Not only is Drama a fun and enjoyable subject, but it is also an invaluable one, providing the safe and secure environment necessary for students to explore different subjects. At a young age, children learn through play. Often children will enter their own world of make believe and take on a role. This play offers children a safe environment to explore and learn. Drama offers a similar experience, but with more challenging content. By making the students feel safe and encouraged, they can unlock a completely new perspective and understanding of society and their roles and responsibilities within it.

Our schemes of learning within Drama are created to develop their key transferrable skills and explore society through immersive and exciting lessons. Students study a wide range of performance styles, explore the History of Drama and experience Live Theatre.

A Drama curriculum has many benefits to your child’s education and wellbeing. In Drama, students have the opportunity to learn about playwrights and study different genres of theatre, as well as traditional and modern performance styles. Not only do young people benefit from the knowledge and understanding, but the act of physically taking part in a Drama lesson also helps develop essential skills.

We offer many exciting extra-curricular opportunities within Drama including our re-vamped Shadow Theatre Club, a Musical Theatre Club, Drama Club and clubs ran by our student subject specialists. Students are provided wuth ample performing opportunities through Galas, concerts, talent shows and our annual whole school musical. This helps to develop a real sense of community and allows students to realise their true talents and interests.

Learning Journey


Curriculum Overview


Physical Education Curriculum

The aims of the PE curriculum at Sir Robert Pattinson Academy are to:

  • To understand the importance of physical activity and exercise, both mentally and physically, in developing a healthy lifestyle.
  • To provide students with the opportunity to develop skills and techniques and the opportunity to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  • To allow students the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and activities.
  • To develop a lifelong interest in physical activity.

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body,

it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity”

John F Kennedy

Each student will receives 2 hours of physical education lessons each week. In addition, there are a wide range of opportunities to get involved in sport and physical activity outside of the curriculum at Sir Robert Pattinson Academy.

At Key Stage 4 students continue to participate in physical education lessons. They also have the opportunity to study a GCSE Physical Education through the AQA examination board or a Cambridge National Level 2 in Sport Science through the OCR examination board.

At Key Stage 5 students can move on to study A-Level Physical education through the AQA examination board or a Cambridge Technical Level 3 in Sport and Physical activity through the OCR examination board.

Learning Journey


Curriculum Overview


Activity Plan


Art, Design and Technology Curriculum

Art and Photography

Studying Art and Photography offers a unique environment in which Key Stage3, 4 and 5 students of all abilities are supported, nurtured and encouraged to meet their full potential in the academies creative and practical subject of Art and Photography.

Starting in Year 7 we aim to build the confidence of our students through the teaching and learning of the technical, practical and theoretical skills required to be a successful artist and photographer. These developed skills are then employed towards the middle of Year 10 and into Year 11 when creating two visual portfolio’s evidencing the required areas of the assessment criteria.

These assessment areas develop students ability to:

  • Research and take inspiration from the work of others.
  • Experiment with techniques, methods and processes alongside developing and refining their own ideas.
  • Observing and capturing a range of subject areas and theme through high quality photo shoots.
  • Create high quality and exciting personal outcomes/final pieces.

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.”Destin Sparks

Art Learning Journey


Art Curriculum Map


Photography Learning Journey


Design and Technology

Design and technology at the academy is taught to support our students with the skills and knowledge to participate confidently with the designed and made world. Students will learn how products and systems are designed and manufactured, how to be innovative and to make creative use of a variety of resources including digital technologies, to improve the world around them.

As well as developing the next generation of creative designers and manufacturers who will solve, design and make solutions for problems our country and world will need. We will also grow the wider skill sets for all our young people will they will require to be lifelong learners and assets to the wider world of work ready for the 4th industrial revaluation.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. The art is knowing which ones to keep.”

Scott Adams.

The Shape of Things to Come




Curriculum Map


Food & Catering

Learning Journey


Curriculum Map


Letters to parents
Safeguarding & E-Safety