Examination Information

Results Day 2024

A Level Results Day – Thursday 15 August – 8.30am until 10.30am

GCSE Results Day – Thursday 22 August – 8.30am until 10.30am


Examination Candidates. Following results day, please complete the following form to request and consent to any post results services. Details of deadlines and relevant costs are on the form. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Keogh on lkeogh@srpa.co.uk

External Examination Dates

Summer external examinations begin on 9 May 2024 and end on 25 June 2024

The national examination contingency date is 26 June 2024, all examination candidates should remain available until after this date has passed if the national contingency date is required.

Mock Examination Dates

Year 13 Mock Examinations begin on 8 January for two weeks.

Year 11 Mock Examinations begin on 15 January for three weeks.

Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 end of year assessments take place in June 2024.


Information for Students

All students are required by the JCQ, the Joint Council for Qualifications, to fully understand the rules and regulations when taking external examinations and other assessments such as coursework. Therefore it is the students responsibility to read the following information from JCQ.

Examination Policies

Letters to parents
Safeguarding & E-Safety