Our Visits Programme
We believe that all of our students should visit museums, musicals, plays, sporting events and, wherever possible, foreign countries. It is only by seeing the world around us first hand that our students truly experience life and culture, and learn from it.
Experiencing Culture
Every department within our school offers a range of educational visits and trips. There is a huge variety of visits; they vary from business studies trips to local businesses, right up to charitable projects on the other side of the world. Inbetween, there is an outstanding array of visits to museums, shows and important geographical sites.
Everyone should have good memories of school visits
They enrich learning and, when carefully planned as part of our overall curriculum, enchance the education of our pupils. Our programme, far from being expensive, is always planned so affordability is kept in mind.
Affordability: school should be for everyone, trips included
We always keep costs in mind; the 7 Year Plan of Education Trips and Visits above gives an overview of a students’ time at the academy, giving families time to plan the opportunities they would like students to experience. For students who are eligible for free school meals, support with the cost of visits is also available.
“Going to London to see The Lion King was the best! I really enjoyed learning a dance from The Lion King…It was great how we learnt the routine in different stages, and even better to [later] see our dance instructor live in the performance”
“The school has strong international links and offers an impressive range of visits in this country and abroad.”
“I just wanted to pass on my thanks to the school for making year 7 PGL happen, against all odds. It seems no resource was spared and the safety of the pupils was paramount.”
“Our daughter thoroughly enjoyed herself, she was full of beans on her return. It has boosted her confidence in her body greatly. This was partly due to how well you and the PGL team looked after her.”