Parents Guide to Go 4 Schools
What is GO 4 Schools?
Go4schools is an online school data system which gives parents and students access to:
Homework – Monitor your child’s homework assignments
Real-time attainment information – Marks and target grades for all subjects throughout the year
Timetable – Your child’s daily and weekly timetable
Attendance and Behaviour – Shown from the start of the academic year
Progress Reports – Reports are published up to 4 times a year
How to access GO 4 Schools
In order to log onto Go4schools you need to visit and click on the ‘Parents’ icon in the top right hand side. Alternatively, a link to Go4schools can be found on the academy’s website.
Enter your email address in the First-time User section. This address must be the one we have on file for you. If you have changed or need to provide us with an email address, please contact us at
Once you have received your password from Go4schools you can login. If you have more than one child attending the academy, you can choose which child ‘s record to view on the next screen.
If you forget your password use the Forgotten your Password? section. This will email the address registered with a new password.
How can I use GO 4 Schools?
At a glance:
This section shows some general information about your child. Please contact the college if there are any changes to these details.
You will be able to view your child’s timetable.
Detailed progress:
This section provides you with the grades and marks your child has achieved in the different areas assessed in each subject.
End of Key Stage 4 Target:
This is the aspirational target we have set for your child for the End of Key Stage 4
Autumn/Spring/Summer Tracking grade:
This is the grade that your child has achieved at various assessment points during the year
End of Year Target grade (KS3 & 9 only):
This is the aspirational target we have set for your child for the end of the academic year
End of Key Stage 4 predicted grade:
This is the grade that we expect your child to achieve at the End of Year 11
Mock exam results:
This is the result of the Mock Exam (Year 11) or the end of year exam results for Years 7-10.
Exam Results:
This is the grade of any qualifications that your child may already have gained.
Please note that you are also able to view the results of any modules that your child has either completed or is due to be completed in a subject area.
This section provides an overview of attendance and any absences.
The attendance records are updated every 24 hours.
This section provides the most recent positive and negative behaviour events. Positive events are green shaded and negative events are red shaded; you can find out more about an event by clicking on the blue highlighted text. If you click on Full behaviour Record, you can see all the events recorded since the start of the academic year.
Progress and reports:
As more reports are generated, you will be able also to view the Annual Year Reports, which will be added throughout the year.
To download a PDF version of any report, please click on View report.
We envisage in the future that we will no longer be sending reports home; should paper copies still be required, they will be requested by contacting the academy.
It is a privilege working closely with parents to improve standards; please don’t hesitate to contact the academy, if you need any further information.