• Have a programme of sequential careers lessons which are incorporated into the Personal Development and R2L programmes to enhance pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the World of Work, building upon the knowledge gained in KS3

Term 5

Students will have confidence when making financial decisions related to their future and how to stay safe on line

10 L1 How can I use my knowledge to show my understanding of the cost of living by budgeting wisely?



Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Manage career

Create opportunities

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
10 L2 How can I use my knowledge to identify the risks involved with online gambling? 3

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
10 L3 How can I use my understanding of targeted advertising to protect my online data?



Manage career

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
10 L4 How can I use my knowledge to explain the causes and effects of cybercrime? 3

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
10 L5 How can I use my knowledge of money to understand financial risks and rewards?



Create opportunities

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
10 L6 How can I use my knowledge to use Unifrog confidently to learn more about future careers? 2 Manage career Living in the wider world

Term 6

Student will learn how to become ‘work ready’

10 Term 6 L1 How can I use my knowledge to evaluate my skills and interests and relate these to potential future career choices? 3

Growth throughout life


Living in the wider world
10 Term 6 L2 How can I use my knowledge to identify a range of potential workplace hazards? 2

Manage career

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
10 Term 6 L3 How can I develop my understanding of careers in STEM to consider these in relation to my future choices? 2

Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Living in the wider world
10 Term 6 L4 How can I use my knowledge to ensure that I maintain a positive on line presence? 3

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
10 Term 6 L5 How can I use my knowledge to identify opportunities in learning and work? 2

Growth throughout life


Living in the wider world
10 Term 6 L6 How can I use my knowledge to understand the rules behind teenage employment?



Growth throughout life

Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
  • Learn how to research career and post -16 choices effectively through the internet
  • Link their areas of academic interest using experiences from Unifrog and visiting speakers/ educational visits. Learn how to access careers information using the National Careers Service and other relevant sites
  • Gain support from the Science Department to learn about careers in medicine, veterinary science and dentistry
  • Participate in Personal Development Days to gain a better understanding of themselves (personal characteristics, skills, qualities, abilities, interests, potential weaknesses, and ways to develop further). The programme includes:
  • Visits to local further education providers for SEND students
  • Visiting speakers
  • CV updates
  • Exploring transferable skills
  • Entrepreneurship Challenge
  • Careers Fair
  • Have access to careers information and advice through their Form Tutor, Subject Teachers, Head of House, Director of Achievement and library.
  • Have the opportunity to meet with the Director of Careers to discuss their next steps
  • Have access to an independent careers’ advisor for group information workshops

Letters to parents
Safeguarding & E-Safety