• Have a programme of sequential careers lessons which are incorporated into the Personal Development and R2L programmes to enhance pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the World of Work, building upon the knowledge gained in KS3 and Year 10

Term 5

Students will make confident choices regarding their next steps

11 L1 How can use my knowledge to increase my understanding of health and safety legislation to ensure that I am safe at work? 2 Manage career Living in the wider world
11 L2 How can I use my knowledge to identify what makes a good CV? 3 Growth throughout life Living in the wider world
11 L3 How can I use my knowledge of stress to explain how social media may have a negative impact on my examinations?



Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
11 L4 How can I use my knowledge to maintain a work life balance?



Balance life & work

See the big picture

Living in the wider world
11 L5 How can I use my knowledge to use Unifrog confidently to learn more about future careers? 2

Growth throughout life

Explore possibilities

Manage career

Living in the wider world
  • Enhance their knowledge and understanding of researching different careers and post 16 choices using the internet, through visiting speakers, Y12 taster sessions at RP6th.
  • Feel confident in identifying their skills, strengths, values and discussing their plans for the future
  • Use the National Careers Service, National Apprenticeship Website and other relevant sites as a source of valuable careers information
  • Link their areas of academic interest to careers using experiences from Unifrog, visiting speakers/ educational visits/Aspiration Wall
  • Gain additional support from the Science Department regarding potential careers in STEM and medicine, veterinary science and dentistry
  • Develop and practise CV, job application and interview skills
  • Participate in Personal Development Days to gain a better understanding of themselves (personal characteristics, skills, qualities, abilities, interests, potential weaknesses, and ways to develop further). The programme includes:
  • Apprenticeships
  • Introduction to RP6th
  • CV Update
  • Next Steps Check In
  • Sixth Form Interview
  • Opportunity to attend Oxbridge conference


  • Have access to careers information and advice through their Form Tutor, Subject Teachers, Head of House, Director of Achievement, library and Director of Careers.
  • Have the opportunity to meet with the Director of Careers to discuss next steps
  • Request one-to-one careers interview with an independent career adviser


Letters to parents
Safeguarding & E-Safety