Safeguarding and E-Safety

“All staff take their responsibility to keep pupils safe seriously. They are well trained to spot any problems early.” – Ofsted, November 2019

Mrs R Gilbert is the Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead (Deputy Head Teacher)
Mr D Hardy – Headmaster
Mrs. T Gibson – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
Mrs. N Jelley – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer

At Sir Robert Pattinson Academy we continue to take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously. Designated Safeguarding Leaders can be contacted via telephone during school hours or via email out of hours. Should there be issues that children wish to access support about, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Safeguarding leads can be contacted at 01522 882020 or via email at

Alternatively, if you believe that a child or adult may be a victim of neglect, abuse or cruelty call:

Children’s safeguarding – 01522 782111 (Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.00pm)

Adults’ safeguarding – 01522 782155 (Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.00pm)

or 01522 782333 (outside office hours)

You do not need to know everything about the situation. You may just be worried or feel that something is not right.

If you believe that a crime has been committed and there is an immediate risk of danger, call the police on 999 or 112.

If there is no immediate danger, call the police on 101.

People who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired can use the police typetalk service on:

01522 558263 or, 01522 558140 or, 07761 911287

If you have a concern about domestic abuse, call EDAN Lincs on 01522 510041.

Attached is a list of support organisations to help with a variety of issues, some of which parents and carers may find useful.

The NSPCC offer some really sound advice for parents on how to support a young person struggling with the current situation.

LADO – 01522 554674


The NSPCC site also offers help with

  • Getting mental health support for your child
  • Speak to their GP
  • Talk to your child about Childline
  • Get help from your child’s school
  • Ask about a referral to CAMHS

With an increased focus on online activities young people may also need support with E-safety, we have a range of resources collated on this Safeguarding and E-Safety page.

It is a difficult time for everyone and we are here to support you and our students.

The Governors of Sir Robert Pattinson Academy have adopted the following Child Protection Policy and Procedures.

To view our safeguarding policies please refer to our policies page here.

Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment Support & Guidance Information

Self-harm Support & Guidance Information

Coping with Self-harm Guide

MIND Understanding Self-harm

Supporting someone who feels Suicidal

Supporting Children & Young People who Self-harm

Helpful Links (Safe, anonymous support/counselling) (Support for under 25s either via the telephone, 1-to-1 chat or crisis messenger) (Confidential text service for people who are struggling) (Useful advice for parents/young people regarding mental health and wellbeing)

Cyber Safety – Useful Websites

Safe Searching

Internet is a parents’ guide which gives social media tips for parents. the guide has handy tips to help you have open and honest conversations with them about using social media, from posting selfies to chatting and online gaming.

Net Aware is a parents’ guide to the social networks children and young people use. Stay up to date and keep your child safe in today’s digital world.

O2 NSPCC Net Aware – UK Safer Internet Centre

Sites for parents with advice about all the technology including advice on smartphones, gaming devices, internet enabling devices for example ipods, ipads. Also how to set Parental controls and general safety tips for safer internet use.

CEOP RESOURCE: NUDE SELFIES: What Parents and Carers Need to Know (is this link right on live site?)

Social Media Support Checklists

‘Whats the Problem? A guide for parents of children and young people who have got into trouble online’

This 32 page booklet (Found here) covers some of the issues which parents may struggle with, when dealing with the children and young people regarding online safety. Using clear and simple language, it explains what the issues are and gives straight forward advice, signposting to other websites and also directing parents to various helplines.

The final part of the booklets helps the parents complete a ‘family safety plan’ looking at staying safe as a family.

Provider Lucy Faithful Foundation

Letters to parents
Safeguarding & E-Safety