Parents and Carers

We know how important it is for our students to be able to have conversations about their careers with people at home. We therefore hope that the information on these pages helps you to hold those conversations.

The careers team can also support with these discussions and are very happy to speak to parents and carers, as well as students.

In Personal Development lessons and on Personal Development Days, students will take part in age/ stage of career appropriate lessons to help them consider the options that are open to them in the future.  At transition points, such as choosing GCSE options, applying to RP6th / College / University you will be invited to come into the Academy to learn more about the process involved.

Each term we publish a careers bulletin with the latest information regarding what our students have been doing in their careers work, together with opportunities which may be available both in and outside of the school day. Please see the link below for the most recent edition of the careers bulletin.

Letters to parents
Safeguarding & E-Safety