Duke Of Edinburgh Award

“When your child does their DofE programme they’ll develop the skills and attitudes they need to become more rounded, confident adults. Qualities that colleges, universities and employers are attracted to.”

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) Scheme was founded in 1956 by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. His aim was to give the young people of the time a challenge to go out and experience different physical activities, meeting people and making new friends, become more self-sufficient, to help others and develop new skills. These are still very much relevant today.

The DofE Award, as it is more popularly known today, is open to all Sir Robert Pattinson students from the age of 14. There are three Award levels; Bronze, Silver and Gold. We currently offer the Bronze award with the aim of offering Silver and Gold in the future.

There are four sections to the bronze award:

Physical Skills Improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness.
Volunteering Supporting individuals or giving back to the community.
Skill Developing practical and social skills and personal interests.
Expedition Planning, training for and completing an adventurous journey.

Self-development, motivation and resilience are important skills needed to complete the course.

How long does it take?

You can expect each activity to take one hour a week over a set period of time.

Physical Skills 3 months
Volunteering 3 months
Skill 3 months
Expedition 3 months


Students also need to choose one area to commit an additional 3 months, this will then become their extended six month project. Students need to participate regularly and be committed to their DofE during this time, they also need to keep a log of their activities and gather evidence such as photographs.

From September 2019 students will be sent their participant book directly to their home, read it carefully. It is also important to set up an on-line account; this is where all students keep a log of their activities. Activity logs can also be downloaded here.

Careful planning can help students to ensure they are committing themselves to the right activities, a participant’s planner can be download here.

If further support is needed please contact the Academy’s Duke of Edinburgh Manager Mr J White: jwhite@srpa.co.uk

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